When the Government of Madhya Pradesh, Shivraj Singh Chauhan had proposed to introduce parts of the Bhagavat GITA in the curriculum of undergraduate classes 1 and 2 in the Islamic schools last week, outrage and protests over saffronisation education that followed could be easily predicted. That ceases to amaze, that with less than nine months left for the general election, as the BJP to cling and strengthening its Hinduness — first with Amit Shah, a statement that the party would build a temple in Ayodhya, RAM and then with Narendra Modi's claim that he is a Hindu nationalist, and now this.
If the BJP simply focused on systematic mis-governance and rampant corruption UPA government and said that for voters, it would be enough. In indulging in "Hinduness", in ways that seem aggressive, even undemocratic, it loses the plot. Or maybe we analysts all wrong and it's really hot issues of religion, caste and of the units that win elections, not the cold facts.
But relying on politicians to call the soul or even the narrow framework of faith, how to go to the hospital administrator to get a cure for headaches. To go back to religion, this is a question to ask: is the Bhagavat Gita Hindu text and, consequently, should not be taught in Islamic or Christian schools and have shunned the Buddhists and Jains?
To answer this question, we begin not with religion, but with history. Between the oral tradition, the discovery of the inscriptions and finally the written texts of Indian history of ancient civilization, seems to have blurred. Between the wars the scientists about dating of civilization as a whole and separately, the Bhagavad Gita, in particular, opinions diverge. Between sober scholarship and heartfelt faith dating texts varied wildly.
In the context of the Bhagavad Gita historians like Romila Thapar suggesting that these 700 verses later addition to the main text, Mahabharata. «Epos were originally secular and had to revise the Brahmins to serve as religious literature; Thus many interpolations were made, the most famous is the addition of Bhagavad Gita. "
The idea grows with Wendy Doniger interpolation, which shows that the "Bhagavad Gita" was written around 100 CE (common era), while the Mahabharata from somewhere between 300 BC (before Christ) and 300 CE. Taking this further, it would be easy to conclude that Ved Vyas, who is the author of the Mahabharata, Bhagavat Gita does not write.
Our conclusion would be wrong. When Sri Aurobindo to analyze it, he said, that the 100000 verse poems, poetry can explain 24000 Ved Vyas. On the authorship of the "Bhagavad Gita" he said: "there is nothing to disprove his authorship (VED Vyas). The entire piece is only a philosophical justification, and logical extension of the Gospel preached by Krishna in the Mahabharata proper, doubtless the work of this poet. "he concluded that the first world war was fought in 1190 BC.
Hinduism as the word that defined the ancient variety, which to this day remains the dominant is that Doniger calls Zen Venn diagram, has not a central ring. The clusters include belief in Vedas, karma or reincarnation, Dharma, or religious law, Justice combo Bhakti or devotion, rituals and ceremonies, sacrifices, vegetarianism, non-violence, pilgrimage and many gods or to see Divinity in things like snakes, rocks and seas.
If this variety is the dominant religion is often called sanathana Dharma or eternal religion (note, the word Dharma is a very complex idea translate) – geography between the two seas (the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal) and two mountain ranges (the Himalayas and Vindh'i) and all other religions, including Buddhism, Jainism, Islam and Christianity were conversions from this universe, it is safe to conclude that Bhagavat Gita belongs to this religion. Dig into history, so all the relevant texts like Rig Veda (1500-1000 BC); Yajurveda, Sam Veda and Atharva Veda (1200-900 BC); The Upanishads (500-100 BC) and so on, and also belong to it.
The name of religion is Sanathana Dharma or Hinduism — it doesn't matter. As we all know, the term Hindu was created to define a civilization outside of Herodotus in the 5th century BC, not visiting it, called the Sindhu River Indus. Later in the 16th century, Babur, called his Hindustan. So if we can take it more the idea of diversity, Hinduism is the only name that contains the same ideas millennia ago. Usually, I believe religion would be embraced by religions, Islam and Christianity invaders and brought them under the Hindu fold with ease. The only difference will be the exception and the claimed superiority of these religions is that way and no one else, an idea that is alien to Hinduism.
Angry Hindu, what we see is growing today, perhaps a reaction to the policy of religious conquest pushed the Abrahamic religions. This is, perhaps, the impact of pride, hurt by persistent political supremacy, which violently spearing himself in the culture of the inside, injuring people through forced or voluntary conversion. We may feel that the conversion of foreign imports, but even in the Mahabharata, was a step to bring the kingdoms and tribes under Aryavart times and getting them to take the Vedic culture.
On the merits of the Bhagavat Gita – wisdom of the Vedas and the Upanishads, focused and simplified for the common man. It works in harmony with the soul of the Mahabharata, in which he concluded that a set of principles of Dharma in digestible bites for wider distribution. Finally, this spiritual-not religious-Guide, which uses psychology to help people ascend in irreversible evolution, constant work-in-progress which aims to move on from the issue to the man, and then, as Sri Aurobindo says, man and matter divinise.
Bhagavat Gita goes beyond Hinduism. You don't have to believe in the Sri Krishna follow spiritual principles that it contains. You don't even need to have faith. Routes for spiritual growth, which it proposes to expand beyond belief. Select the track you like and walk your own individual way. Such multilayered and extremely complex idea cannot be thrust down his throat, somebody.
Causes of Muslim children to study it at a time when religion is not a positive identity, but an instrument in the hands of the negative forces will split the gap will grow. Politically, we can only hope the Government led by Shivraj Singh Chauhan BJP would have learned his lesson in Madhya Pradesh and back off, once and for all.
But we also hope that petty politics around this magnificent text, this noble idea, the puissant enabler man that longs to reach the top expression beyond the five senses, will not prevent asylum through religions from exploring their inner life.
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