Ahmedabad: the Special Court on Tuesday rejected the anticipatory bail Ishrat Jahan meeting the accused officer's IPS Prithvi Pal Pandey, who then moved the Gujarat High Court, which refused to give him protection from arrest of his guilt before hearing the CBI tomorrow.
Justice A J Desai of the High Court, to postpone to tomorrow hear his plea, challenging the Special Court and refused further protection of additional Director General of police (ADGP)-rank officers from arresting the CBI, which is probing the case and called the meeting as a "fake".
Ishrat Jahan. IBNlivePandey Mitesh Amin's lawyer petitioned the High Court to protect his client from jail to the CBI tomorrow, but the judge denied the motion.
Special CBI Court this morning dismissed the pre-arrest bail Pandey, after both sides completed their arguments last Saturday. As soon as the Special Court dismissed his plea, Pandey had contested the order in HC.
However, the CBI lawyer Yogesh RAVANI HC that ENTRAL'NYE should be directed to the Agency's notice of removal to the call of the Special Court at least until 12:0 am applications and therefore the plea should be heard tomorrow.
Then Justice Desai put off until tomorrow to hear the top officer application difficult decisions of the Special Court.
1982-batch IPS officer was joint Commissioner of police (crime), Ahmedabad, when, on the basis of student Ishrat Mumbai, her friend Javed Sheikh alias Pranesh Pillai and their accomplices, Amjad Ali Rana and Zeeshan Dzhokhar were shot on June 15, 2004 year brazenly crime around here.
Police then said the four were terrorists on a mission to kill the Chief Minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi.
However, according to the CBI chargesheet filed last month, was stage-managed Chávez's meeting, a joint operation of Gujarat police and Intelligence Bureau.
Seven policemen, including the Gujarat Pandey, named as defendants and charged with murder and criminal conspiracy, among others.
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